A March 2021 study published in the Lancet, an internationally recognized medical journal, identifies patients with gout as an under recognized group associated with many risk factors for poor COVID-19 outcomes. More co-occurring conditions that are associated with gout patients have been associated with COVID-19 complications and occur more frequently in patients with gout than in the general population.
Because people with gout may be considered to be in a higher-risk group for potential COVID-19 complications, the importance of the recognition and on-going medical management of gout is essential. If you have gout plus such co-occurring conditions (hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, kidney conditions) you may be more susceptible to complications if you were to contract COVID-19.
As a patient with gout, your most important health goals right now are:
Avoid getting COVID-19
Stay on top of your gout to avoid flares or complications
If you are concerned that you have gout, the following symptoms are associated with acute gout but may come and go and flare unexpectedly.
Intense joint pain usually in the big toe, often waking you up in the middle of the night. The pain is likely to be the most severe within the first 4 -12 hours after it begins. Other commonly affected joints include the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists and fingers.
Inflammation and redness. The affected joint or joints become swollen, tender, warm and red.
Lingering discomfort after the most severe pain subsides, that may last from a few days to a few weeks. Later attacks are likely to last longer and affect more joints.
Limited range of motion. As gout progresses, you may not be able to move your joints normally.
We encourage you to safely seek timely routine, urgent, and emergency care as symptoms present or linger with reassurance that our office facilities and clinical practices continue to comply with COVID-19 guidelines as the impact of pandemic continues to effect us all.